Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Psychopats in Wall Street

Somehow this writing got lost within my draft folder! Now I think is more important than ever to continue talking about the economic situation in our world. When we hear of children being kidnaped in Africa and governments unable to control the ever increasing violence, it is of paramount importance that we become active and participate in these affairs. So I am disinterring this article.

For a long time I have been writing in this blog how important is physics (reality) on the economy trying to balance the important of psyche as the Psychonomic society gas done for many years but in a recent article David Sirota has stressed the fact that today it is the psychological state of those running our economy that is defining the direction of our society. In fact Sirota is calling these leaders "psychopats" in his article in The Oregonian (Monday October 10, 2011)  Oregon live Oct. 10, 2011 starts by saying:
"Like most people living through this jarring age of economic turbulence and political dysfunction, you can probably recall a moment in the last few months when you thought to yourself that our lawmakers and corporate leaders are all crazy.
And not just run-of-the-mill crazy, a la George Costanza's parents, but the kind of crazy that makes films like "Silence of the Lambs" and "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" so frightening."
It is a wonderful article, I highly recommend it!

In future posts I will talk about the unbalanced minds of kids born with a silver spoon in their mouth and that grew up in an environment that is dis-equilibrated and do not learn the value of other human beings. Like in the legal case where a young man's defense used the "Affluenza" mitigator to relieve him from his guild on killing another person when this young man was DUI (

Is there a limit on what rich people can do?

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Regaining some space

It has been a while since I posted in this blog. Not because I have not been thinking about the connection between the physical world and the economy but because I have been writing about other things. Please have a look at my other blogs listed here: ; about time:; Teaching Science Insights at; and life in general at
What I want to say here thinking in economic terms is how can be more efficient in writing about "Physiconomy"? For me is important to remember that what drives my interest in the economy is the physical fact that "things fall by their own weight." Meaning that when an enterprise what ever the discipline is will carry as a paradoxical medulla it own growth and destruction. In biology we learn that the information carried in DNA  contains both the elements of growth as well as the elements of death. This is where the inevitability of death is hosted.
As organizations grow, develop, and prosper they appear to also create their own demise. We are now reading about the psychological environment that big corporations are experiencing described by some as a lack of trust of the employees in their leadership. Of course this is not private to big corporations, small institutions are also suffering this illness as times are tough and many leaders have not be able to organize and provide their employees with a sense of belonging and thus of trust.
How can we relate this mainly psychological phenomena to what is happening to the physical environment?
Difficult question to answer, I say. But we don't have to look far for an answer. Just paying attention to what is in the news of the day, we learn how we are mistreating the environment and how the environment (as climate) is fighting back. Drought, flooding, tornados, fires, and other climatological storms and disasters are becoming more and more prevalent around the world. The special issue of time: places you have to see before they vanish is a good example of the extremely difficult situation that our planet is going through.
Who is responsible? Who can do something about it? Is there accountability in this matter?
I think I'll have to come back to this in a future post.