Saturday, July 30, 2011

Sign Dick Durbin's petition to the GOP

There are so many things happening now related to our economy some are real and some are not. Created crisis like the one has been going on for the last weeks is an example of how physical reality is for some politicians not important. But at the end this physical reality will be imposed and water levels will go to their proper height. The US is the largest economy as one of the richest natural and human resources under a single political system, now the European Union in a similar way is organizing to become the most important economical force in the world. With the US not being able to manage her finances the European Union with out a doubt will become the central focus of economic progress in the world and will be have to balance its economic activity between Asian (China et al.) and India (the largest democracy in the world.) But there are things we can do to slow down any decay and maybe re-instate some sanity in our political system if we act together and: Sign Dick Durbin's petition to the GOP: "Tell Speaker Boehner, Eric Cantor, and House Republicans to get real: Stop holding America's economy hostage and work for a responsible solution to the default crisis."